Stories, Lore, and Know-how

Garden Stories, Lore, and Know-how

Stroll paths edged...

Stroll paths edged with basil and thyme, and coneflowers purple and pink. See the blue aster, cosmo and dill, and butterflies dipping to drink. Meander the rows of jostling corn and okra in large, buttery bloom. Breathe air mingled with mint and lupine, and lavender scented perfume. Sit for awhile at the centering stone - quiet yourself and unwind. There you’ll see the lacy nasturtium into the pole bean entwined. Then maybe we can chat awhile, share a cup of tea, and trade some notes on the critter you saw or the cucumber beetle’s spree!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Tinge of Autumn

There’s quite a chill in the air this morning. I donned my heavier sweater, and the kids are off to school, bounding along the walkway in front of the house. An effervescent train, they are, their daily cacophony measuring time.

Yesterday I spied a tinge of color in a tree, her green, ebullient “summer do” daubed with yellow sprinkles. Autumn’s near, for sure, and Oh the excitement the cooling air can bring! A surge of adrenaline the hotter sun had drained away is coursing through all the living - anticipating, preparing for change. Though the sun be as hot today as ever, yet again in the morning we’ll feel it anew - the change of air and a quickening.

I’m feeling sad to say goodbye to the burgeoning of summertime, its warmth, brightness and ease. But enough for now of doleful thought! There’s green in the fields and tomatoes galore, and the squash are turning their golden colors. Potatoes are fat in the earth below, and apples fall by the bushel!

Enjoy! Enjoy - the later summertime, and to the harvest all arms employ -
‘til pantries packed and full with store we greet dear autumn content once more!

1 comment:

  1. Such a Beautiful view through your window on the world, Pamela Lee!
